Honda Helps Rehabilitate in the US with Walking Assist Technology

While we here at Germain Honda of Naples feel it is our duty to help out all of the drivers in the greater Fort Myers area find an affordable and reliable new Honda to take home, enjoying all of its comfort and entertainment features in each daily drive, our favorite Japanese automaker likes to take things even further. Helping those with medical needs is one of their next goals and we support them whole-heartedly.

Several years ago, back in 2008, Honda introduced their revolutionary Walking Assist Device technology, set to help those who have trouble walking to take back their lives and provide forward mobility easily and painlessly. Aimed squarely at the elderly or those rehabilitating from an accident or medial emergency, Honda is bringing it to the states for testing.

They’ve announced it will be used at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago to help provide mobility to patients who have had a stroke. Fitting around the waist and legs over the clothing, the six-pound device is unobtrusive and provides ample walking help for up to an hour on a 22.2-volt lithium-ion battery. We couldn’t be more proud of our favorite automaker for all the help they’ll bring to those who have suffered.

If you’d like to learn more, or are looking for a Honda vehicle to climb into for yourself, we’d love it if you came to visit us at our Naples, FL dealership at your earliest opportunity! Whether its that gorgeous model you’ve had your eye on, some parts for an at-home project, or some routine maintenance at our service center, we’ve got everything you need to check everything off that automotive to-do list.

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